Bidding on properties

How to Bid

The quickest and easiest way to bid is to sign in to your Lewisham FindYourHome account and then go to 'View Homes'. Click on the advert to see details of the properties. If it's a property that you're interested in, click the 'Place Bid' button to register your interest.

Once you are logged in, you can also click on 'Your Account' to see your current bids as well as feedback on previous bids.

Need Help Bidding?

If you need help bidding and have no one to make bids on your behalf, you may be able to get help from the Lewisham FindYourHome support officer. For an assessment, call 020 8314 9097. If you are a tenant of one of the housing associations, you should contact their offices.

When do I hear if I am successful?

If your bid is successful, you will be contacted by the Council or housing provider to discuss your application prior to any offer being made. 

Please do not contact us to ask about the outcome of bids. Please log in and visit the 'Your Account' page to see the outcome of past bids.  We are unable to respond to queries on the outcome of bids.